Kragerup GoBounce
Denmark’s largest netting landscape built in the heart of Kragerup GoHigh – with space for 400 people per hour.
Kragerup Gods has installed Denmark’s largest netting landscape with over 300 metres of bouncy and challenging courses that wind beautifully through the trees and jump up a level in many places. The walkways meander like snakes between the green foliage, encouraging you to jump, play and spend some physically challenging time together.

Between the runs, the jumping visitors can let rip in the netting boxes of various sizes. The largest of these has an area of approx. 100 sq.m.
The coloured netting walls rise 3.5 metres at all the edges, allowing for plenty of free play!
In three of the areas, we have placed long netting tunnels all the way down to the ground. The whole thing looks like an organic play area in the middle of nature.
Kragerup Gods wanted a new attraction that could accommodate lots of people, be suitable for all ages and have a big wow-factor in the green park.
Our bounce netting was “spot on”. The beautiful colours of the netting interact beautifully with the trees, creating brightly coloured formations.
The area also relieved increasing pressure on the estate’s popular GoHigh climbing courses, and instead of impatient visitors and “rush hour” , people are now much better distributed in the large active area. Thanks to Bounce, Kragerup Gods can now attract far more families and not just be a destination for the braver climbers.